Random Goober thoughts
Michemily's Articles In Misc » Page 4
March 24, 2005 by Michemily
Here are my choices: 1. Graduate in August and audit those classes I want while I work part-time at the Family History Library. 2. Don't graduate in August, take the classes to graduate in December, work at FHL part-time. 3. Graduate in August, work full-time somewhere, audit one of the afternoon classes (Magazine Editing). 4. Graduate in August, work abroad in Zurich (I found this job with awesome benefits there, but it has no editing experience). 5. Do this editing internship at...
March 24, 2005 by Michemily
There was this creepo at the library this week. He kept checking out me and Sister M*. I sat so that my head was behind the computer, because he was really making me uncomfortable. I called Elder S* to help us figure out how to ocmbine the GEDCOM files When I sent Sister M* out to put an "Out of Order" sign on one of the computers, he gave her this really strange look. She came in and said, "That was WEIRD." "I saw that," I said, and we wondered about it. He would come over and ask stra...
March 18, 2005 by Michemily
I know, I know, it's been quite a while. A lot has happened, and yet, not much has happened at the same time. The more I've looked at what I'm doing, the more I wonder if I'm good enough to be writing. Some of my papers have turned out quite well, but my creative writing that I thought was pretty good didn't spark any interest in the people I showed my articles to. (Whoa, I ended my sentence in a preposition.) I'm in a really strange mood right now - I'm very reflective. When I see wha...
January 24, 2005 by Michemily
So, guess what I have finally succeeded in doing? Simplifiying my life! Heh heh heh! Last week I was signed up for 23 credit hours and some independent study classes, service study at West High and Bad Dog Discovers America School, my job at the Family History Library, editing work at the New Era, and coaching basketball. Well, last week, everything fell into place! It made me so happy! I discovered that the teaching thing won't work out - you have to have a major as well, and you have ...
January 14, 2005 by Michemily
Well, I have internet access now because I go to school every day and have a choice of fifteen or so computer labs, two of which are in the two buildings where my classes are. I can't believe how much I have to do! I always seem to get to this, where I just stare and stare at a paper with my schedule and wonder "Where in the world is there more time? Why, oh, why is there not more time? There HAS to be more time! It's got to be on here somewhere!" And I stare some more and eventually I ...
January 12, 2005 by Michemily
-This morning, Mom dropped me off late to the bus stop. I knew that I was going to have to wait and be really late to Institute, AND FREEZE! I stood there on crackly ice and thought, "Heavenly Father, please let something work out." I kept looking at my watch and down the street, hoping that somehow it was late. Well, guess what? This truck with emergency lights (not flashing) drove past me and pulled over. Then it signaled to the left and did a U-Turn. As it pulled up to me, I saw tha...
January 11, 2005 by Michemily
It seems like every semester I get concerned about finances, but this time there really is no way around it. I'm trying to figure out how I can get enough to pay for tuition and to pay for my summer stuff, etc. Today I'm going to sign up to pay tuition in five installments, so that will relieve the problem for a bit . . . Mom is unhappy that I'm selling the car. She says I'm being inconsiderate and that she can't chauffeur me around. So, I'm trying to get by with the smallest number of in...
December 15, 2004 by Michemily
I took my last test final today. I had to guess from which poem three passages were. Not just one, THREE! Yikes! I guessedcorrectly on two of them, but not on the other (I checked as soon as I got out). Plus, I couldn't come up with anything to say about some of the passages, like, "I do not know which to prefer,/The beauty of inflections/Or the beauty of innuendoes,/The blackbird whistling/Or just after." (Wallace Stevens, 13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird) It's one of those poems tha...
December 14, 2004 by Michemily
Does anyone know how to sign out of my joeuser blog? I can't find where to sign out.
December 14, 2004 by Michemily
My final yesterday was awesome. I studied a bit with Tanya, but the first time her friend was there, so we kept getting distracted. The second time it was in the morning before the final, so it at least helped us to wake up so we could study together on time. We ended up writing our papers in the same room, but not really studying much. I memorized all of the artworks, and she still needed to, so I drove so she could study, but she just ended up drilling me while I drove. It sounds like ...
December 8, 2004 by Michemily
I stayed up late last Sunday night writing and researching this essay, and then got up early (4:30) to finish it. I was so proud of the final product, it really was a nice paper. Then, at 7:04 AM I realized I had done the wrong essay! I did the re-write instead of the one that's due! NO! I can't believe it! I am such an idiot. So I wanted to go visit Grandma right after school, but I had to turn in the essay. The funny thing is, I finished at 35 after and knew the bus came at 46 a...
December 8, 2004 by Michemily
I seriously have this burning uncontrollable desire to go on a mission to Switzerland, and by saying that, or typing that, I probably jinxed my chances. I really am so excited to get to go next year. I almost wish it was this year! I can't wait to tell people how awesome the gospel is! How cool would that be to show the Bieris how missionaries work? Plus, I could finally learn the real Swiss-German that you can't learn any other way than to live there for a long time, since it isn't a wr...
December 8, 2004 by Michemily
So, I got this email from some dude with Church Curriculum. He said that they liked my writing style and thought it would be good for the New Era, and that I should do a service mission with them. If I can't do that, he said, I should apply next year for sure. They like graduate students. I wrote back, but I think it will have to depend on how flexible they are and how many hours a week it would be. They are really flexible with the service missionaries at the FHL. Saturday would have be...
December 8, 2004 by Michemily
I went to the dentist, and the assistant asked me if I ate a lot of chocolate, then scraped all of that gross goober off. Ron said I might want to go to a periodontist to check on my lower gums. Then I talked to him the whole time in German and he talked about Mom and we tried to get her to figure out just one phrase, but she couldn't. Don't you hate when you're mad at yourself because you're mad about something that you shouldn't be mad about? Yeah, well, Charla has these little things i...
December 8, 2004 by Michemily
So I just got an email that I'm not getting the chance to have an interview for the Ensign. That's disappointing in ways (of course, hard on the worth of writing samples in a portfolio), but in other ways it's very relieving. Now I will have time to take classes and hang out with my family, while only working three days a week! Sweet. Anyway, I just saw my high school English teacher here at the library. She has a baby now. Whoa. She's a cute baby, too. I was glad that I was able to h...