Random Goober thoughts
Michemily's Articles In Misc
July 18, 2006 by Michemily
G* Anderson, no, no, Grant A, have a nice day . . .good luck with your search!
August 5, 2005 by Michemily
I still have no idea what I'm going to be doing this fall. I really want to work in Germany or Switzerland teaching English, but it might be too expensive to save up for a mission. Hmm. Plus, I've got a boyfriend in Salt Lake now. I guess that shouldn't be too big of a reason, but anyway . . . he is so funny! A week ago we were talking and I complimented him on something and it was so funny. He didn't say anything, and so finally I said, "What do you think about that?" I've made fun of him ev...
July 19, 2005 by Michemily
So I've learned more German in the last few days than I did the whole time I was in Germany last year. The credit goes to a few people: my roommates and their patience while I try to tell my so-called exciting stories, Matt and Erin and a few others for filling in my sentences and answering my questions, and to me for actually being more daring to sound stupid and to study really hard this year! Yay! The coolest thing about German is that it totally makes sense. The words are just combination...
June 8, 2005 by Michemily
I am going to Germany in the middle of July. I looked all over the internet for a good flight price, and there weren't any! They were all more expensive than last year, and I'm poorer than last year. So, my dad finally called a travel agent, and he found me a flight for 4-500 dollars less than the others. The only downside is that I have to switch planes three times. But, I don't mind because I'm saving money and I get to stay in Madrid for a night. I'm flying out of Dallas so that I can g...
May 16, 2005 by Michemily
T* got back yesterday. I'm so glad he's back (except that now I have to run to the bus stop instead of drive there). Other times he's been dating girls, they break up with him when they get back from a trip, so he was scared I would do the same! I said, "No, you were the one on the trip. You'll have to wait until I get back from Germany." Haha. We played Settlers with the Cities and Knights extension (this intense game that my sister always wants someone to play with her) and I got all ...
May 11, 2005 by Michemily
Well, that was disappointing. I just went and asked for a job that I heard about yesterday that seemed perfect. My coworker at the Family History Library told me last night that I could work in the Genealogy section of the library at BYU, and it sounded so awesome. She said I would get it for sure because I was practically already trained. However, they said that they can't hire just for spring/summer terms. I said, "Well, I'll be looking for a job in the fall anyway, so I could just con...
May 11, 2005 by Michemily
This last month has been one of C-raziness! For about three weeks, T* and I didn't hang out much because we both had so much to do. He did me a favor and called less so that I could get more done. Isn't that considerate of him? I needed to finish my independent study class before the semester ended so that I could have the credit transferred to the U. That way the credit would be on my transcript before the current classes, allowing me to have the limit of transfer credits in the last 30...
April 9, 2005 by Michemily
So I am doing Spring Semester at Brigham Young University. It's like a two-hour bus ride. Whew. I'm not very excited for that, except that at least I can get homework done. I figured that since I'll be down there three days a week anyway, I should just take the classes I was planning on doing independent study before August - German and contemporary American literature from 1960 on. I have so much to do before this semester ends! Plus, my next semester starts before this one ends, so I'...
April 6, 2005 by Michemily
The Century Magazine is finally out (it was supposed to be out for Friday), and it was cool to see my name in print, no matter how short and simple the "article" (which was more like a snippet) was. Then at the New Era, they gave me a contract for a short "Instant Message" I wrote that will be in the January 2006 issue for $25. I had put a story on Janet's desk more than a month ago and had not heard anything, so I assumed she hadn't liked it and didn't say anything. However, today, she ca...
April 6, 2005 by Michemily
Mom and I have gotten along famously well for the last several months, but during the first week of March I kind of lost it. I feel badly, and I know you can't really blame your emotions on others, but certain things really set me off. First of all, I needed a stamp pad (remember Rosie?) for the Relief Society fliers that I am in charge of. (I know they assign things like that to get people involved, but I have work on Tuesday nights, so I'm a hypocrite in that I create things telling peop...
March 29, 2005 by Michemily
Today I was underlining words in my German book like a madman because my class was at 9:10 and I hadn't translated the whole story yet. (I would have to hide my face in shame if you saw my underlining.) All of a sudden, a voice said, "Was liesst du?" Whoa. I almost jumped. That means, "What are you reading?" I turned to the first page and showed the dude behind me what I was reading. The rest of the bus trip I did not get any homework done, because we were excited to speak German to ea...
March 27, 2005 by Michemily
So, I dubbed this week "Anti-Social Week." Did it work? No. I tried so hard not to hang out, but I got through five days! Whoo! I was hoping to discover if not hanging out improves school work. I did get more done, but most of the time I just did something else instead. I'm going to write an article about it. The sad thing is, I had it all in my head, but I didn't write it down soon enough. I hate when that happens. Yesterday I was dying because I felt like I was going to expl...
March 24, 2005 by Michemily
Here are my choices: 1. Graduate in August and audit those classes I want while I work part-time at the Family History Library. 2. Don't graduate in August, take the classes to graduate in December, work at FHL part-time. 3. Graduate in August, work full-time somewhere, audit one of the afternoon classes (Magazine Editing). 4. Graduate in August, work abroad in Zurich (I found this job with awesome benefits there, but it has no editing experience). 5. Do this editing internship at...
March 24, 2005 by Michemily
There was this creepo at the library this week. He kept checking out me and Sister M*. I sat so that my head was behind the computer, because he was really making me uncomfortable. I called Elder S* to help us figure out how to ocmbine the GEDCOM files When I sent Sister M* out to put an "Out of Order" sign on one of the computers, he gave her this really strange look. She came in and said, "That was WEIRD." "I saw that," I said, and we wondered about it. He would come over and ask stra...
March 18, 2005 by Michemily
I know, I know, it's been quite a while. A lot has happened, and yet, not much has happened at the same time. The more I've looked at what I'm doing, the more I wonder if I'm good enough to be writing. Some of my papers have turned out quite well, but my creative writing that I thought was pretty good didn't spark any interest in the people I showed my articles to. (Whoa, I ended my sentence in a preposition.) I'm in a really strange mood right now - I'm very reflective. When I see wha...