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Random Goober thoughts
Viking-o-rama Part II
Published on August 11, 2004 By
We got on a little train thing and went to the Viking Ship Museum. The ships were so old and cool. I had Matt take lots of pics for Katie, and I bought her something as well. Then when we got to the Folk House Museum, I was disappointed because I had already bought her something when the things here were cooler and so much more Katie-ish. We saw so many cool old houses built by Norwegians back to the 1200s! They were on stilts like that Bab Yaga story (is that the name?) and had carved wood and intricately painted toll designs. The coolest ones we saw were after we had decided to leave soon. The first one was the oldest building there - a decorative wood church built in the 1200s. The lady inside said that the paintings of the saints and the Last Supper were done over Pagan symbols carved in before the people became Christian. The other coolest one was the house of a rich 1700s family. It seemed like no one noticed that one, sadly. The inside was so cool. They would have liked Versailles. There was this cool carved green bed that looked really comfy and had curtains around it. I bought some earrings for Katie like she had shown me. Then we got on the bus. It was SO CROWDED. We stood by the door and the bus driver and had to shove people when the door needed to be opened. We had planned to go to the museums before they closed and then go shopping, but guess what? Stores close at 2!!!!!!!!! Whoops.
I was worried we wouldn't have enough food for Sunday (we didn't want to buy), so we bought some stuff at 7-11 and found the markets were closed. We ate at McDonalds - we ATE. The money here seems so weird - I paid 65 Kroner for my BIG MAC meal. Every time we paid for something, Matt quoted Seinfeld where Elaine is on a trip in Europe with her boyfriend and he keeps talking about how interesting the "money with the whole in it" is, and Elaine gets sick of it and tells him he's going home in a body bag. Then later Kramer says, "Eeew, a month in Europe with Elaine. He's coming home in a body bag!" We went to 7-11 6 or 7 times today! We discovered these amazing chocolate milkshakes that you shake made by tine. There are 7-11s on every corner. Then I thought we could get pizza and put it in the fridge for Sunday. We ordered some and walked around while they were getting cooked. Then Matt ate half of one and so we went to a different place and paid more for another pizza, but it was obvious why. It was thick and good. Matt didn't want to bother with putting it into the small fridge, but I told him I had a food handler's and didn't want the meat to be in the danger zone that long.
So we put the flat pizza in by cutting up a cardboard box. The pizzas weren't cut, so we borrowed a knife from the kitchen. Our room was burning, so we filled the tub up with cold water and I put my feet in it for a while.
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