Random Goober thoughts
Published on August 4, 2004 By Michemily In Travel
Sunday, August 1st

Well, the bus took forever this morning - it turned out we had all been looking at the times from M-F. It only comes once an hour and we missed it by five minutes. Then the bus didn't go as far as Molfsee, so we walked from Rammsee and then my hostdad offered a ride. We got to church at the end of sacrament meeting. My hostdad picked us up after and we all enjoyed a nice time in the garden. I fell asleep in the lazy chair. Then we went to the beach. There were a lot of jellyfish. I watched little kids catching them. My hostdad kept saying I was too pale and needed food and rest, so he ordered scampy for me - shrimp on green noodles, saying it was dinner and I could eat now. It was great, and I also had Zitrone ice cream. Wow - I never thought I'd like shrimp. The water tasted like an aquarium.

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