Random Goober thoughts
Published on July 28, 2004 By Michemily In Travel
Saturday, July 24th

We had breakfast around 10 and Mom - I saw that raw meat spread about which you told me - as soon as I saw it, I hurried and put marmelade on both of my pieces of bread so that they wouldn't ask and if they did, I had an excuse. We went to the Bauhaus - a smaller version of Home Depot. I swear they're owned by the same people. There were big oranges signs, and in the same font as Home Depot it said, "The Home Store". Then we went to the Markt - kind of like Salt Lake's Farmers Market. There were people with dogs everywhere and nasty fish and shoe-smelling cheese stands with amaying cheese selections. We bought cheese, flowers, Greek casserole, fresh butter, salad, and potatoes. On my map we were close to where Manuel said the church was. Then we went to a store and another store. Eeew! The meat selections here are disgusting! There were flat jello slices with different kinds of meat pieces. Blech

Then we ate the Greek casserole at home. I went with my hostsister to where she rides - a long drive through the countryside. She got up to 170 km/hr. I wonder how many miles an hour that is. We got to the farm and I saw the horses. Conti would not let me pet him/her/it. She's the horse that was going to be in the Olympics. My hostsister walked me to where I could sit and two dogs (Chico and Tommy) let me pet them. I liked Tommy the best. He was a big blackish-brown furry sheep dog. I sat on the porch and did homework and listened to U2 and Weezer. I had no idea what the poem we were to read meant. So I took pictures and helped my hostsiter with the horse by adjusting the jumps. Then, while I sat and watched, Tommy came over. He wouldn't lift his head, so I just patted him. My hostsister said, "He is being silly. He wants to play with you. He has a stone in his mouth but won't give it to you. So just pick up another one and throw it." So I played fetch with him for a long time. He'd go to the rock I threw, drop the one he originally had, and pick up the new one. If I already had another one, he'd glue his eyes to it until I threw it. Sometimes I wouldn't throw it until he'd come near for me to pet him. We drove back, and I took a bike ride along a road with greenery high on both sides.

I didn't realize it was July 24th until Matt called to wish me a nice one. I had no idea what to write my Märchen about until I started writing it. Then it just came to me. My hostsister and I had dinner (for me, leftover Döner, but the juice I bought had disappeared down someone's throat, dangit), and she said she could take me to church tomorrow. However, I looked at the map and so I showed her and it's closer to go to the other one, so we'll find it in the morning.

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