Random Goober thoughts
Published on July 26, 2004 By Michemily In Travel
Friday, July 23rd.

Today, I slept in late. The girl who helps clean the house knocked on my door at 11 and asked if she could come in to clean. I got up and let her in. I talked to her for a bit, but she was hard to understand. She really rolled her rs. Then while I was studying after eating in the kitchen, I asked her what she did for fun here. Somehow we communicated and decided to meet at the Sophienhof at 4 and then go swimming with her sister. I was just leaving when my hostmom pulled up to have lunch. I stayed and left after we ate. This time I rode the bike very slowly and made it without feeling near death. I rode the bus to Jan's office in the International Center only to find they are closed on Fridays. Then I found out I didn't have his phone number with me either. Figuring Matt was still asleep, I emailed him and asked him for the #. He sent it right back. Then he got on and told me he was going golfing with his dad. I got on bus 82, and found that all the banks were already closed. EARLY! 1 o'clock. Then I remembered that bus 32 was faster, so I got off and walked and walked and walked in the wrong direction, And I will finish this blog tomorrow, I've got to jet!

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